2 Clinical Database Installation (Prerequisites , Clinical DB Installation & Post Installation ) Part-2

Prerequisites for Oracle Clinical Database Installation &

Oracle Clinical DB Installation

Prerequisites for Oracle Clinical Database Installation

Create a log directory in”opa_home”
i.e /home/opapps/log

Copy tnsnames.ora file from oracle 12C DB to OPA_HOME
Change .bashsrc file

Modify .bash_profile as per below to set variables.

If you type env in the terminal prompt as a opapps user it should be like the following way

Following is the bash profile for opapps user

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs

export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
export OPA_HOME=/home/opapps
export RXC_LOG=$OPA_HOME/log


export PATH

Following is the .bashsrc file 

# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions
export XX=x
export PATH=$PATH:.

                    Oracle Clinical DB Installation

Login as opapps user go to the location where you have uzipped the software

Now run The  runinstaller.

Launches the GUI interface

Welcome screen click on next

Select OC database Install

Click on next button

Using browse option select the ORACLE_HOME path of the 12C database location.

Click on next button.

Mine is /home/opapps

Click on next

Choose a sas view directory which we have selected earlier in the oracle clinical server software installation.

Click on next button

My 12C database  service name is cdb.NULL
Provide the service name for database as cdb.NULL then click next button.

Enter the Database server as :oracle129.bourntec.com(my oracle 12C hostname)
DB port no is:1521(Listener running on port no.)

Click on next button.

Provide table spaces 12C database datafiles location

Click on next button.

Provide same location for index tablespace data files also as selected in the previsous step

Click on next button

Choose the wallet location same as which is selected in while installation oracle clinical software

Click on next

Enter wallet password
Mine is xxxxxxxxx  and confirm the same.

Click on next

Enter sys password oracle12C database
Mine is xxxxxxx and confirm the same

Click on next button.

Enter the system password

Step14 to Step 29:Find the following screen shots

Enter the RXC_MAA  password
I have give as xxxxxx and confirm the same
Click on next.

 Note:Better to put same password for all the following & REMEBER /Note Down the passwords.

Note this also in application server you needto give same password
Enter the RDC_MIDTIER_PROXY  password
I have give as Oracle12 and confirm the same
Click on next.

You can enter database seed number between 1 and 99 I have entered 1

Please provide DBHostname(your hostname where 12C DB located host)
Defult will be there as 1570 change it DBport no as 1521

You can enter any location click on next

You can enter  any locaton

click on next

Create a directory under OPA_HOME (or)  any other location to store secretstore directory under this create a directory with DB name

Select ignore tablespace creation errors as no then click on next button.

Information screen will be displayed. Click on next

Summary screeen click on Install button

Installation process will start and reach to 100%

Next will be the end  of installation  click on exit

 Note down the path's after installation .

That’s finishes the installation of Oracle Clinical Database.

                                         Post Innstallation steps:

Set the Database Time Zone
The Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite (RDC Onsite) application uses the dbtimezone value for internal calculations when the Display timestamps in local timezone preference is set. Oracle recommends setting time zone to a named location rather than a numeric offset so that standard and daylight time adjustments are made automatically. You can find valid named location strings in the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES view. For example, to find a time zone in the United States, enter the following query:
 SELECT distinct tzname FROM V$TIMEZONE_NAMES WHERE tzname like 'US/%'

To set the time zone in the database:
1. Connect to the database as any user that has ALTER DATABASE privileges.
2. Enter the following command: alter database set time_zone='tzname_value’; For example:
alter database set time_zone='US/Eastern’;

2 Pin Database Packages
To improve performance, some of Oracle Clinical's packages are pin-able packages. Pinning allocates a stable memory location so that a package cannot be subjected to being swapped out of memory. Oracle Clinical provides the rxcdbinit.sql script to pin the database packages. Pin UNIX Database Packages To pin the database packages located on a UNIX server:
1. Log in to the UNIX server computer as the opapps user.
 2. Set the UNIX environment: opa_setup database_name code_environment
3. Change to the RXC_INSTALL directory: cd $RXC_INSTALL
4. Connect to SQL*Plus as the rxc user: sqlplus rxc/password
5. Run the rxcdbinit.sql script: start rxcdbinit.sql The script pins the database packages and exits upon completion.

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