2.Clinical Database Installation(Prerequisites changing permissions,etc.)-1

2.Clinical Database Server Installation

Prerequisites before Installating Clinical Database Server

As per Oracle clinical installation guide  we need to change permissions for ORACLE_HOME scrips

Before changing the permissions for oraclehomeproperties.xml

Now change the permissions  for oraclehomeproprties.xml

$chmod 777 Oracleproperties.xml
After changing the permissions for oraclehomeproperties.xml file

Before changing permissions for ContentsXML directory

After changing permissions for ContenstsXML directory

Before changing the permissions for inventory

After changing the permissions for inventory in the Oracle_Home

We can ignoree warining messages as per the oracle document.
Befor modifing the chmod –R g+w $ORACLE_HOME

After executing  chmod –R g+w $ORACLE_HOME

Before setting the permission

After executing/setting the permission

We are using installing group as Oinstall.Therfore no need to change any thing.
I have create a mount point in root called “softwares_downloaded” and moved all downloaded_softwares from /u01(previously  in “/u01/downloaded _softwares” is there)  to new mount point “softwares_downloaded”

1.Oracle_Home location : /u01/app/oracle/product/
2.Our is a Non –rac (NA)
3.OPA Home: /home/opapps
4.changed the permissions of oracle Clinical server Code 

After changing the permissions to “opapps”

5. Location of Oratab is --- /etc
Location of tnsname is --- /u01/app/oracle/product/


logged in as opapps user

2.Not Applicable as already set as OInsall
3.xhost  +
4. Done
5.ldflags file is located under $ORACLE_HOME/lib
6. open the file with vi add -1nnz12

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