3 APPLICATION TIER(windows server system)- Compatible with Internet Explorer 9 and Above,Oracle Application Developer Framework (ADF) ,Patch Part-3 Make OHS Compatible with Internet Explorer 9 and Above While you have the ssl.conf file open, make the following additional change to make the application compatible with Internet Explorer 9 and 10. OHS always returns HTTP 1.0 to Internet Explorer (IE) user-agents, which causes some problems in RDC Onsite in an IE 9 or 10 browser. It appears this configuration is outdated and should be commented out to work properly in IE 9 and 10. Comment out or remove the following lines: BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" \ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

After removing above lines

Oracle Application Developer Framework (ADF)

Go to software's location where you have unzipped ADF
Go to Under DISK1 under zip folder
Run setup with jre location 

Click on  next button.

Display welcome screen

Click on next button.

Check radion button skip software updates

Click on next button.

Prerequisite check will be done

Click on next button.

Oracle Middleware Home:C:\Oracle\Middleware

Click on  next button/

By default selected radio button weblogic server

Click on  next button.

Installation summary screen will showto you save respone file.

Click on install button.

Installation progress and reaches to 100%


Save the Installation complete details and click on finish that’s end the installation of   ADF.

ADF Patches
Download the patches from the metalinks and set the following paths in the DOS pronpt
set ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common
set path=%oracle_home%\bin;%oracle_home%;%oracle_home%\opatch;%path%
now go the location in DoS prompt where you have downloaded and unzipped and go the ID number of the patch
now give command in Dos prompt as opatch apply
16546129—JDeveloper patch

Make sure that all the services are down including weblogic,OHS(http server).in services .msc stop all oracle services.

Manually go to All programs------------àoracle classic anist_1 stop all the  services

16546157—WebCenter Composer patch

Press y then enter

After applying patches
Go to -----à C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin
execute the following commands:


in the WebLogic Server Scripting Tool shell, enter the following commands: upgradeADF('middleware_home/user_projects/domains/frdomain')

Make sure that better to type manually rather than copying
Afterwards change “\”  with “/”

Then press exit() enter
Connecivity checking to Application tier to DB
The tnsnames.ora locations on the application server include: ■ middleware_home\asinst_1\config ■ oracle_fr_home\network\admin. Oracle Clinical requires a copy here. Check this location and if no tnsnames.ora file is present, create it there.
Copy tnsnames.ora file from opapps user(dbserver) to following 2 locations to paste it


2. C:\Oracle\Middleware\asinst_1\config

5.9.1 Test the Connection from the Application Servers to the Database To ensure that you can connect to the database from each application server: 1. Open a Microsoft DOS command window. 2. Use SQL*Plus to verify that you can connect to the database: sqlplus system/password@dbname

Restart the system

Restart Computer and Stop All Servers and Services Restart the computer and then stop all servers and services: 1. Restart the computer. 2. In the Windows Services control panel, find Oracle WebLogic Node Manager service and stop it. 3. From the Windows Start menu, go to All Programs, then Oracle Classic Instance_ asinst_1, then: – Forms Services, then Stop WebLogic Server - WLS_FORMS – Reports Services, then Stop WebLogic Server - WLS_REPORTS – Stop the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server via Stop Weblogic Admin Server

Stop all weblogic,forms and report services

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